Riding tips

Scooter Range Hacks You NEED TO KNOW!

Scooter Range Hacks You NEED TO KNOW!

Running out of juice halfway through your journey somewhere off the grid sounds like a cliché straight from Horrors. But we've seen it so many times in films that it's now stamped on our memory. In the same way, we know that when things go south we shouldn't split up from our friends, run away from a killer upstairs, or count on a good cell reception.

Luckily, you can turn a potential horror scenario into an inspiring adventure with a few simple steps. Read on for tips on how to get to your destination on time and in one piece. On this optimistic note, here are the top 5 long-range electric scooter hacks to maximize your range.

Apollo scooter user in full gear ready for action

Tip #1 Optimal Tire Pressure

Tip number one is about keeping your tires at optimal pressure. Just like cars, tire pressure has an impact on your range of travel. Without getting into overly complicated physics, you only need to know that under-pressurized tires will become deformed when ridden. This results in, among other things, more wear and tear on the tire due to the increased friction. And increased friction means your motor will have to work harder. 

And why work harder when you can work smarter? That's why we recommend riders check their tire pressure before each ride. It only takes a second, making your ride more comfortable and efficient. 

A quality air pump is an indispensable tool for any electric scooter owner. Maintaining an ideal tire pressure also has the bonus effect of reducing your chances of getting a flat while also increasing the tire's lifespan. (And possibly your lifespan as well, in case there's Freddy Kruger in the bushes.) The ideal tire pressure can be found on the side of your tire to confirm. But we typically recommend 50 psi for almost all our scooters or 45 psi for the Apollo Pro.

Tip #2 Gentle Acceleration and Braking

apollo scooter zipping along a forest

Tip number two might be the hardest to adhere to. But if getting the most out of your battery is important, then to maximize your range, you should be going easy on the brakes and accelerating slowly. 

We recommend easing yourself up to your desired cruising speed rather than going full throttle right off the bat. And while you should never hesitate to slam on the brakes in an emergency, it's always best to coast into a full stop when possible. By riding this way, not only will you gain more miles, but also it is safer to ride. Additionally, your tires and your brake pads will thank you in the long run.

Tip #3 Travel Light

Tip number three is all about traveling light. Okay, so dad mods might be in style right now. But if you want to get the most out of your scooter's battery, we recommend finding one that meets your needs. You can find this information on our product pages under the specs tab. Each of our scooters is designed to support a different riding weight

However, extra weight can negatively impact your range even under your scooter's maximum weight load. Now, this isn't to say you can't carry a purse or a backpack while riding. In fact, many of our riders use their scooters like that for their daily commute. Just be mindful of how carrying extra weight can negatively impact your range. And try to optimize what you're carrying.

Tip 4# Keep Your Scooter Clean

Tip number four is all about keeping your scooter clean. A clean scooter is a surefire way to help maximize your scooter's range. Over time, dirt and debris can build up around your scooter's tires, creating friction. And you're killing your battery whenever your motor has to work harder. 

After every ride, clean your tires, brakes, and underneath the front and rear fenders. You will be amazed by the stuff that builds up in such places over time. But it's enough to keep it squeaky clean to extend your scooter's range and the distance between you and your creepy pursuers. Hi, Hi!

Tip 5# Avoid Uphill Routes

An apollo scooter user riding uphill

Tip five is to avoid hills as much as possible. Suppose you ever had to ride a bicycle uphill. In that case, you know from experience how much more effort it takes than riding on level ground. It's no different for your scooter's motor and battery. While we're not saying you should stick exclusively to level terrain, where would be the fun in that? 

Taking consistently uphill routes to get where you need to go will shave off significant mileage from your scooter's maximum range. Choose an efficient route that avoids steep hills to get the most out of your battery. Unless the detour is unnecessarily long, you'll still end up maximizing your range, and your battery will thank you. The fun thing about hills, though, is what goes up must come down. Unless “The hills have eyes,” in which case it's better to avoid them altogether.

Bonus tip: Charging electric scooters

But wait, there's more. One of the most commonly asked questions is, how often and when should I charge my scooter? We recommend never allowing your battery to deplete fully. Each time your battery is allowed to fully drain, you're using up one full charge cycle, and our batteries, on average, have a lifespan of 600 to 800 full charge cycles. We recommend riding until 25 to 50% of the battery is left and bringing it in for a charge. 

Additionally, you should cap the charge at around 90%, as this can also help preserve the battery's lifespan. It's also good to know that our smart chargers will automatically shut off when the battery is full. So you can leave them plugged in overnight, but just don't leave them in the long term.


At Apollo, we provide a more realistic range estimate, so you know what to expect. We hope you found our tips helpful in maximizing your scooter's range. For more tips on maintaining your scooter, check out the video below. 

For more valuable insights and scooter hacks, check out our blog post on 5 Scooter Hacks Only the Pros Know. We're committed to helping you get the most out of your electric scooter experience. Happy scooting!

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Table of contents

    1. Tip #1 Optimal Tire Pressure
    2. Tip #2 Gentle Acceleration and Braking
    3. Tip #3 Travel Light
    4. Tip 4# Keep Your Scooter Clean
    5. Tip 5# Avoid Uphill Routes
    6. Bonus tip: Charging electric scooters
    7. Conclusion