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Apollo Phantom V3: Why everyone loves it

Apollo Phantom

Electric scooters have become an integral part of urban commuting, offering an eco-friendly and convenient alternative to traditional transportation. Among the plethora of options available, the Apollo Phantom stands out as a game-changer in the world of high-powered dual-motor electric scooters. Many things set it apart, including its Ludicrous mode and its groundbreaking regenerative braking system. Continue reading to learn all about the Apollo Phantom & why the 2023 version is even better.

Evolution of the Apollo Phantom

In the past, high-powered scooters often lacked innovative design and user-friendly features. However, the Apollo Phantom series marked a significant shift in the industry. Let's trace the evolution:

Phantom V1: A New Era of Design

The Phantom V1 made its mark with a unique design, replacing the conventional trigger throttle with a thumb throttle and featuring a larger and easy-to-read display. We meticulously crafted this scooter taking in feedback from their rider community.

Phantom V2: Building on Success

After seeing the incredible success of the first version of the Phantom, we decided to make it even better. The V2 brought several updates, enhancing the scooter's performance and user experience. Notably, it introduced an upgrade kit, allowing V1 owners to elevate their scooters to V2 standards.


 Apollo Phantom

Phantom V3: A Game-Changer

The Apollo Phantom V3 (current version) takes innovation to the next level with its cutting-edge features and improvements. Let's explore what makes this scooter a game-changer:

It’s very powerful:

  1. Two 1200W motors with a total peak power of almost 3000W

  2. Unique Mach 1 controller with Ludicrous mode for exhilarating acceleration

  3. Top speed of 66 km/h of 41 mph

    It’s Revolutionary Regenerative Brakes make you feel extra safe:

    1. Integrated regen brakes for efficient energy recovery
    2. Regen brakes provide smoother braking for better control when stopping.


        1. It has a thumb throttle giving you better ride control and it eliminates confusion with the brakes
        2. We’ve integrated an intuitive cockpit layout with easy-to-access buttons and indicators
        3. It features quadruple spring suspension for a smooth ride


        1. This version of the Phantom can pair up with the Apollo App. You can select your ride mode, control the lights, and activate cruise control. 
        2. Through the app you can navigate in real time, record your rides, and monitor and modify your scooter parameters
        3. scooter parameters


      Top Quality Control 
        1. Just like the other scooters in our portfolio, the Apollo Phantom undergoes rigorous testing that allows us to guarantee the frame for 10,000KM. 


      Performance and Verdict:

      The Apollo Phantom boasts a top speed of 41 miles per hour (66 km/h), making it a potent choice for urban riders. Its impressive regenerative braking system, coupled with the innovative motor controller, sets it apart from its competitors. The Phantom delivers an exhilarating experience for scooter enthusiasts. 

      Is the Apollo Phantom V3 for You?

      Whether you're a daily commuter, a weekend adventurer, or an urban explorer, the Apollo Phantom offers a compelling package. Its blend of power, comfort, and advanced features makes it an attractive choice for electric scooter enthusiasts. If you're considering a light heavyweight scooter, the Phantom should undoubtedly be on your radar.

      Learn more about the Apollo Phantom here. Embrace the future of electric scooters and elevate your riding experience with the Apollo Phantom!

      Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is based on available data as of the publication date and may be subject to change. Be sure to check the Apollo Phantom page for the most up-to-date details.

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      Table of contents

        1. Evolution of the Apollo Phantom
        2. Phantom V1: A New Era of Design
        3. Phantom V2: Building on Success
        4. Phantom V3: A Game-Changer
        5. Performance and Verdict:
        6. Is the Apollo Phantom V3 for You?