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The Surprising Ways E-Scooters Are Revolutionizing City Planning

The Surprising Ways E-Scooters Are Revolutionizing City Planning

Here are the key changes and considerations for city planning driven by the rise of electric scooters.

RegulationsNavigating Electric Scooter Certifications and Requirements

Navegando por las certificaciones y requisitos de scooters eléctricos

Cuando estás comparando precios de un scooter eléctrico, es posible que sientas que te arrojan muchos números: potencia del motor y vatios-hora de la batería, hasta velocidad y autonomía máximas. D...

RegulationsElectric Scooter Laws 2024: What You Need To Know About Regulations By State

Leyes sobre scooters eléctricos 2024: lo que necesita saber sobre las regulaciones por estado

El panorama legal en los Estados Unidos es un colorido mosaico de diferentes regulaciones para cada estado. Tratar de mantenerse actualizado puede parecer abrumador, pero no te preocupes y sigue le...

RegulationsScoot Smart in Houston: Your Complete Guide to Riding, Laws, and More

Scoot Smart in Houston: Your Complete Guide to Riding, Laws, and More

Houston, we have no problem. On the contrary, we have a solution. For those looking to explore Space City on an e-scooter, our guide is your perfect launchpad.

RegulationsExploring Miami on Electric Scooters: Trails, Laws, and Everything In Between

Exploring Miami on Electric Scooters: Trails, Laws, and Everything In Between

Miami is called the "Sunshine City," and rightly so, as it enjoys an average of 248 sunny days every year. Could you imagine a better place for e-scooter riders? 

RegulationsRoutes and Laws: Exploring Places for Electric Scooter Rides in California

Routes and Laws: Exploring Places for Electric Scooter Rides in California

Explore California's scenic routes on an e-scooter with our guide, covering essential laws and regulations. From speeding limits to picturesque trails, discover the best destinations while staying ...

RegulationsElectric Scooter Laws in the United States 2023

Electric Scooter Laws in the United States 2023

Imagine that you've just unboxed your shiny Apollo Scooter and are ready to take it for a spin. But then, a niggling thought creeps in – is it legal for you to ride this bad boy? We're here to guid...